

When playing craps, or Seven-Eleven, as it is also known, players place bets on the results of two dice. This casino game is popular in both land-based and online casinos. It is a betting game where players compete against each other or against the bank. Craps is also a very sociable game, and you will usually find a lot of screaming going on at Craps tables in Las Vegas and Macau.

How did the name Craps come about?

Despite having very little equipment needed, it is called craps, and “street craps*” can be played anywhere, as all you need is a pair of dice. People played craps crouched on the floor or sidewalk around this time, hence the name craps, which originates from the French word “crapaud”, meaning “toad”.

Craps: How do you play it?

With its dice game and confusing terminology, craps is a simple casino game that may intimidate beginners. Come-out rolls are thrown by shooters first. There are three possible outcomes whenever the shooter rolls the dice:


Natural results in a 7 or 11, which means you win and can roll again.


In the case of a 2, called Snake Eyes, a three or a twelve, you lose. However, you can roll again.


There are four, five, six, eight, nine or ten on the dice. The players roll the dice again in hopes of hitting the same number again. This results in a win, and there is no need to roll the same dice combination.

In case you’re wondering, the sequence above lacks a 7. This is because it’s not a lucky number, and if you roll a 7, you’re “seven out”, and your betting round is over.


Although Craps can initially be a very intimidating game ( mainly due to the players that tend to crowd around the Craps table ) once you get the hang of it, it can be loads of fun!